Sunday, July 27, 2008

National Day of the American Cowboy

Saturday Michael and I spent all day in Sedona to help celebrate the National Day of the American Cowboy. Michael dressed in his 1800's western attire and thanks to a donation from the sponsors for the event, I got an 1800's western outfit that fit for my pregnant belly. (I wasn't about to spend what those duds cost for a temporary outfit, I have 1800's attire for when I am not pregnant).

We were in some "gun-fighting" skits. The one I was in, Michael and two other cowboys were in a face-off ready for a gun fight. Movie gun fighting music was playing and they were staring each other down ready to draw. I was on the outside of the "stage" area just watching. I drew my gun and held it behind my back and continued to watch and analyse the situation. When the music stopped, I stepped on the "stage" and said "you men, ya alway have to have yer hands on yer guns don't ya?!", then I shot two of the men. Then I looked at Michael and said "You, you did this to me" pointing at my belly. Michael drops his guard and laughs saying, "Yeah, well that was one good night". I give an angry look to him and look back at the crowd as I cock my pistol, look at Michael and shoot him too. Then I say "that's what he gets for leavin' me".

Joey Dillon, world champion gun slinger, and Loop Rawlins, world champion trick roper and whip expert, were there doing a show as well. They were fun to talk with and awsome to watch. It was hot, but the clouds rolled in around 2:00 and a light rain helped cool it off a bit. It was a lot of fun, but I was certainly ready for bed. Micheal's dad made it out for Friday and Saturday, it was good to have him here and I think he had a good time too.

...and Danae didn't move at all when the guns were going off.


  1. You guys look cute! Sounds like it was a fun day!

  2. Looks like you all had fun! Maybe next year we will make it. The outfit is cute, and looks kind of comfy! I am glad Mike made it down and you guys were able to spend time with him. Sounds like Danae just got rocked to sleep with the melody of gun fire, she is definately yours and Mike's!!

  3. Sounds like you guys had a great time.
