Sunday, October 5, 2008

October Birthdays, etc...

I think October is the "fullest" month for birthdays for the people I know. So, I want to do a "shout-out" to the people I care about. (See, Danae has to wait to come until November...there are much fewer birthdays then)

Happy Birthday to:
Leigh (8th)
Marlayne (8th)
Mom (11th)
Chris (14th)
Heather (18)
Lucas (22)
Aunt Kathy (?)

Happy Anniversary:
Lucas & Shelly (5th)

Hope you do something special for your day!


  1. Thanks Rena!(My birthday is actually the 19th) :) But I am skipping it this year--30 just seems so old!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Aunt Kathy's B-day is the 7th (I am pretty sure) Happy Birthday to all!!

  4. Yep... She will be 60 tomorrow! I can't believe how old our parents are! LOL!!!! Good luck with the last few weeks... they seem to be the longest.

  5. yah are parents are getting old. Good luck.

  6. Sorry Heather...I will change it in my calendar!
