Saturday, December 20, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree...

Yesterday we met with our friends Bear & Jennie for our second annual Christmas tree cutting. They put up a live tree and like looking for and cutting their own. My Dad lets them cut one from the 'ranch', this year he was in town and went with us. There was about a foot of snow on the ground which made it lots of fun! Aiden and Caleb had a blast playing in the snow (I'm sure Danae will too, next year). It was lots of fun and one thing I got a kick out of was watching Aiden giggle and blow 'raspberries' while playing in the snow.

...and we wrapped it up with some hot chocolate and hot cider...YUM!!

1 comment:

  1. How fun. I want some snow. that nice of your dad. My kids would love to be playing in the snow.
