Monday, October 12, 2009

Stick Horses

I drew up a pattern for these stick horses and you can get quite creative with them. Michael devised an idea to keep the stick in sturdily. If you (meaning family and friends) would like the pattern, let me know and I'll e-mail it to you. Anyone else who might be viewing this...please visit where you can purchase the pattern.

I was so excited that I created them from scratch, I just had to show everyone! Maybe I can sew afterall...well, I have yet to make any clothing (real sewing)!


  1. Those turned out so cute. I definitely want a pattern.

  2. SOOO CUTE!! I am so impressed. And yes!! I want the pattern. Little miss Rylee simply must have one.

  3. So cute. You did suck a good job. I would totally love a pattern as well. I think they are so cute.

  4. So Adorable! I want the pattern too! I am impressed... but of course you can sew... its in your blood!
