Sometimes the difference between a frustrating moment and a moment to cherish comes down to how you choose to look at it.
Danae has been rebelling against sleeping in her own bed lately, only at night since she is taking naps just fine in it. She'll start screaming moments after she has been laid down and tucked in. Michael and I are trying to be the 'good' parents and make her sleep in her own bed and let her fall asleep on her own. After about 30 minutes or so of screaming, especially when she starts crying "mommy", I can't take it because I know I can make it stop and soothe her.
In the room I go to meet Danae who is standing in her crib with her arms stretched out and her little body shaking because she has worked herself up so much. She clings to me so tight as I grab her out of her crib and we rock in the rocking chair as her little snivel shakes slow down and eventually stop.
We rock together to the sound of her lulubies and both fall asleep. I remind myself that no, these moments won't last forever and there will soon come a time when she won't need me like that any more. I choose to look at these moments as moments to cherish and not let them frustrate me, enjoying the cuddling time late at night when we both are exhausted and she just doesn't want to be alone.