Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sinus & Cold Relief

This year it seems I have been trying product after product in search for what works. Mostly it has been for my acne. However, with my cold this past week, by doctor recommended a product for me to relieve my airways. I looked at him crosseyed and with that "yeah right" look. I took the pamphlet and pondered it for a few hours, all-the-while it seemed my nose was getting more conjested. So, I found it at the store and gave it a whorl. You put salt water up your nose, with your head bent far forward of course. Then blow your nose and the most snot you have seen in your life makes it to your tissue and WOW can you breath! Of course your sinus cavity will fill back up as long as you have the cold or sinus conjestion, but it gives such relief.

My doc said there is no need to use the premixed solutions, just use warm saltwater. Anyhow...the product is an 8 oz bottle with nozzle. It is NeliMed Sinus Rinse. It can be found at most grocery and drug stores. Here is one website that also sells it Yes, it is wierd and gross, but it feels so good to get that crap out! Just wanted to pass on info about a good product, especially since it is cold/allergy season.

P.S. Sorry Heather, I'm sure if Jason tries it he will probably want you to look at how much snot came out...just a guess :)

1 comment:

  1. Ya, I'm sure you're right about the "show-and-tell" Jason is sure to do. But if it helps, it will be worth it. Hope you are feeling better!
