Thursday, January 14, 2010

What's new?

Things have been busy and its been a month since I have posted anything. We went to Kansas via Amtrak to see Michael's family and celebrate an early Christmas. Not sure we are going to do Amtrak again any time soon, we will probably drive half way one day and the rest of the way the next. It is just getting to frustrating to ride the train with a toddler, although we had so many people tell us how well behaved she was.

I had to work on Christmas day, so we did a little family Christmas dinner and gifts with Nanny Judy on Christmas eve after Michael and I got home from work. Lizard came to visit for few days and we took a trip to see my family for a late Christmas dinner of sorts. We didn't do anything for New Years...Michael and I both had to work.

Last weekend we went to Flagstaff for Micah and Weston's baptism. I took my camera and managed not to take one picture! It was a beautiful baptism and I am so proud of them!

Danae is such a character. She loves to have washclothes on her head...daddy started that one. She is such a bright spot in my life, I wish so badly we could afford for me to be a stay-at-home mommy....which is odd since I always said that wouldn't be for me.

Danae adores Lizard and is her little shadow when she visits.

Danae got a taste of the Vanilla Cream Soda and kept taking the bottles, she LOVES cream soda...and no, we didn't give her very much.
Her new thing is she has learned to give 'noggins' and man can she butt heads when she wants to. Her newest thing, in the past few days, is she now knows how to blow kisses and it just melts my heart!
I start night shifts tonight, for the next four months, I have been dreading it for months and am trying to find the positive to it. I am so far from being a night owl, its rediculous.


  1. She is a cutie for sure! Thanks for coming up for the baptism. And good luck with nights! At least it's not forever. . .

  2. I agree she is a cutie! Hopefully your body will adjust in a couple of days and you will be able to make it through the next four months.

  3. Wow Danae looks a lot like Elizabeth in that picture of both of them. Hopefully you will get used to night shift.

  4. How are nights going? I hope Danae doesn't get bored with her chair!
