Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sleep Over

I took the week of Thanksgiving off and invited my nephews to come sleep over the night before Thanksgiving. When Jason and Heather dropped them off, Rylee was convinced she was going to sleep over also. Not sure how she would do, her mom and dad told her she needed to go home with them. Rylee chose to not necessarily argue with mom and dad, but rather she debated with them why she needed to stay the night. She even said "I will even sleep on the ground if I can just stay". She isn't even three yet!! They were all great and we made individual pizzas, place cards for Thanksgiving, and then they had a blast in the jet tub bubble bath. I haven't heard so much constant giggling for some time. It was fun having them over!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for having them! I just stole this photo and put it on my blog. Hope that's ok!
