Wednesday, May 6, 2009

She's a Cutie!!

The latest pictures of Danae. She has mastered the un-tieing of the shoe...I'm sure it will be a while before she "loops, swirls and pulls".
She hates getting her face washed after she eats, so we try turning it into a game. Michael ended up putting the washcloth on her head, she didn't know what to think at first. Then she thought it was hilarious!
Stylin' in her new baby shades!


  1. I LOVE her little shoes! So cute! And that tongue! Just like Rylee's!

  2. Aw my neice is already the coolest kid on the block w/ those shades!!!

  3. She is too awesome!!! Gotta love it!!

  4. Watch out boys... here comes Danae, tongue and all! She is so stinkin' cute! I hope I get to see her next month!

  5. Look at that tongue I think you have a lixard number 2 on your hands. Cute shades.
