Sunday, September 13, 2009

Her little friends are all boys....

So I have realized most of my friends with young children have Danae has her little group of boyfriends. This is Jack. He is three months older and lives in Colorado now, but hopefully they will still get to see each other fairly often.

Caleb is three years older than Danae and just adores her and kisses her about twenty times each time we visit. Thats ok, I think its absolutely adorable...especially when he tries to go for the lips and his Mom or Dad reminds him to kiss her on the cheek.

Guess a closed Milk Bone box is no match for Danae, we caught her chewing on one and she seemed to be enjoying it!

Danae has been enjoying her baths more and more. She has four little rubber duckies: MARINE duckie, Police duckie, cheerleader duckie and Mexican duckie. She has also discovered how to pull the plug, so unless we want bath time cut short I have to keep her from that one.

She is not picking her nose, she is pointing to her brain! Whats funny is she did this so quickly I didn't know that it is was the picture I got until I was uploading them...then it just cracked me up!

Danae loves to walk outside, when your holding her hands of course. She now gets excited when I get home and we go for a little stroll outside. She is definately forming a litte 'tude...but she is still as sweet and adorable as ever! Her new favorite thing, other than walking around, is feeding Mommy and Daddy...


  1. That nose picking one is to cute! It's okay all of her friends are boys. All Riley plays with is girls. Except when he is at preschool or church. I love her eyes and her cute little curls in the back.

  2. I love how her eyes are closed when Caleb is trying to kiss her! And ya, don't worry. Most of Rylee's friends are boys too. They're much less drama anyway. :)

  3. Cute pictures! Uncle Jason is supposed to teach her how to pick her nose. Too bad she already learned by herself. :)

  4. soooo cute! shes digging for gold :)
