Thursday, August 5, 2010

Baby Spice

No, not one of the spice girls, rather its a seasoning for babies. Michael started calling baby powder Baby Spice several months ago when he would sprinkle powder on Danae, I thought it was cute and joined in when I would sprinkle it on her. Well, Danae is picking up phrases and words every day. We were at a restaurant the other day when Danae says "BB Spice", we realized she was reaching and asking for the pepper on the table. So, we gave it to her and she sprinkled some on her food while saying "BB Spice". Cute.

Then, yesterday we were eating breakfast at a restaurant in Santa Fe and Danae asked for the Baby Spice. Since the food was taking forever to get there, we gave it to her for entertainment and simply to occupy her. She lifted her shirt and sprinkled the pepper on her lap while saying "BB Spice". Well.... it was cute and better than the night before at Red Lobster when she informed us loudly that she had poop in her diaper as she grabbed her rear end. ...and so it starts...


  1. Ahhh. . .love the BB Spice!! So cute. Yep! It's great when they start talking but then you never know what they will say next. Keeps you on your toes!

  2. Cute as can be!

    p.s. Congrats & nice way to slip in there that you're prego... in a poll on the side... sneaky sneaky!

  3. Congrats on the pregnancy and that is way cute and funny on the diaper thing.

  4. Got to love it!! So what is Mike seasoning Danae for? Better keep an eye on that... :)
