Friday, August 6, 2010

My Little Dipper

Danae LOVES dip! It doesn't matter if its ketchup, ranch, applesauce, peanut butter, apricot sauce, guacamole, etc... if it looks like she can dip something in it...she does. Everything tastes better with dip and if you can't get her to eat something, give her something to dip it in. :)

Some things that come to mind are corn chips in ranch, chicken in apple sauce...oh and mashed potatoes because that counts as dip too. She dipped her peanut butter and jelly sandwich in her yogurt (or "yogie" as she calls it). Then yesterday when she dipped her peanut butter and jelly sandwich in some ranch dressing because she pulled it out of the fridge when I was getting the jelly and pleaded for some "dip". The gross thing is...she ate it!

P.S. I'll post some pictures soon

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