Saturday, March 29, 2008

Michael's Adventure: Day 1

For those of you who don't know, Michael left this morning with my Dad (riding T-Bone & Nugget) for a seven day horseback ride from Williams to Phoenix (about 160 miles). This is a traditional Bill Williams Mountain Men ride which has gone on for decades, only men allowed. My Dad invited Michael to go along and asked to use T-Bone.

This morning was a cold and windy, yet sunny, start to their adventure. Nugget promply began bucking as Michael put his foot in the stirrup to get on. Hopefully not a sign of how the ride is going to go.

Michael gave me the update for todays happenings. They rode about 28 miles, gotta love GPS. Nugget calmed down not too long into the ride. Nugget tends to walk much faster than T-bone so he would hold Nugget back for a while to be with "T" and my Dad, then let Nugget stride out for awhile.

Before they left, I gave my Dad the rundown of T-Bone's quirks, as he has many I have come to know and adore him for. Apparently he forgot the one about T-Bone loving water. I had told him to only let him drink from the water holes and if they had to cross it, to keep him moving because he loves water. Well, Michael said he was not far ahead of Dad when he heard him start to yell. T-Bone had layed in the water and gotten Dad's gear...and Dad, soaked. Michael said he got a picture of Dad ringing out his socks...I will share that when Michael gets back.

I will keep posts throughout this week of updates about his ride.

1 comment:

  1. I already have a visual in my head of your Dad ringing out his socks. I bet he was not a happy camper! But like you said, you warned him!
