Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I have completed my last class for my Associates degree. It was an online math class, which I hated! Thanks to Anna for numerous hours on the phone helping me through the problems. I love ya sis! (You don't really have an instructor on online math classes, it is almost like a free-for-all, read and learn the textbook and you'll be fine. Yeah right, who likes to read math textbooks?)

Anyhow, my Associates in Criminal Justice will be officially complete on Sunday when the class ends. But I know I passed the final, and thus the class, that is one thing that is good with the online math format...instant grading.

WoooHooo!!!! After a break and saving money so I can forgo student loans, I will be working toward my bachelors.


  1. Congrats! What's wrong with math?

    Your accountant sister.

  2. YAY!!!! We're so happy for you! And I agree with math being yucky--accounting degree and all!! Besides, all us accountants have to do is add, subtract, multiply and divide. Congrats!!

  3. YAHOOOOO!!!!! you're done! Congrats. Don't hate math, hate the way it was taught. What has math ever done to you? :) Love ya! Glad I was able to help some!
