Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Little Encouragement to Enter the World...

If Danae doesn't make her debut sometime between now and next Tuesday...yes election day...the Doc will be inducing before she puts on more weight. We will go in either Monday evening for pre-stuff or Tuesday morning at 5 am. She will be here soon!!


  1. Hope you don't have to be induced. I've heard it's not too fun...better to have everything start off naturally anyway.

  2. Here she comes to save the day!... She must be shy and likes it all warm and cozy in your tummy. Although being upside down with your head resting on a pelvic bone doesn't sound so great to me, but to each their own! :) We will see her soon!!!

  3. Good luck! I hope that she will come on her own... mostly so you don't have to wait that long, but also because being induced is no fun.

  4. How exciting!!! We'll be thinking about you guys and can't wait to meet Danae!
