Thursday, November 13, 2008

God Bless Our Veterans

With all the excitement of Danae, I am a little late in my recognition of Veterans Day. I am very appreciative of what they have done for us and for the soldiers currently serving our country. I also can't go without mention of the Marine Corps birthday on Nov 10. Here is Michael's Marine picture...isn't he handsome! I wish I could have seen him in his blues when he was enlisted. He still has them...maybe I'll have him put them on sometime so I can see him (but he will not put them on without shaving his mustache/goatee...but it grows back fast)


  1. Once a Marine, always a Marine! That's so funny he won't put it on with his facial hair. He does look handsome in this photo--and so young!

  2. I totaly agree he looks really young in that picture. Yay to all the men and women in the service. And maybe next year Riley will be a cop, he almost did this here but he just liked the red and fire trucks.

  3. Sorry I didn't find you a poppy, Mike! We will have to pretend. :) He is very handsome in his marine picture, you know what they say about men in uniform!! Thank you Michael and to all service men and women!!
