Friday, November 7, 2008

Our Angel!

Surilla Danae Dearden

Born on November 04, 2008 at 4:00pm... the day the 44th president was elected (but, we won't go there). She was 7lbs 11oz and 20in. She has brown hair like her daddy and her eyes are bluish sometimes and brownish at others...we will see what they decide to be. She is perfect, precious, beautiful..... she is a blessing!


  1. Oh my goodness! I can't tell you how excited I am to meet my little niece tomorrow! You better be careful though. I am libel to try to take her home with me! I am glad she is here and that you are home now. I agree--Hospitals are miserable!!

  2. She is very cute!!! I am glad that everything went good.

  3. Adorable! She even looks like her name-sake! I can't wait to see her! By then she'll probably be a chubby little monkey!

  4. Congrates!!!! She is beautiful and I cant wait to see her ( oh and you two too).
    Take care.
