Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Two-Year-Old's Logic

Just a couple quick snippets of Danae's logic that makes me smile. We've been working on potty training and this is sometimes how the conversation goes when she doesn't want to be interupted of her play time: "Danae, did you poop in your diaper?" "Nope, I farted" "It sure smells like poop" "Yeeeep, I farted" (she draws out her yeps) Although, the other night when we asked that question at the dinner table, I thought Anna was going to blow water out her nose when Danae said excitedly "I got diarrhea!" When its nap time, or bed time, this is sometimes how the converstation goes: "Danae it's time for your nap" "I wake up" She thinks since she woke up this morning, she doesn't have to go back to sleep. (Blogger is ticking me off...I can't get it to do separate paragraphs, sorry)


  1. oh she is hilarious I would have done the same thing as Anna. So cute!

  2. The logic is endearing, and quite humorus. Too fun! - Anna - Stupid thing won't let me log in.
