Sunday, April 13, 2008

Going Private

I have started getting comments from unknown people. I have decided to set my blog to private. If you would like to continue reading our blog, if you have my e-mail address, please e-mail me, if not, please respond to this post with a comment that has your e-mail address. I am going to try to wait about a week or so before I set it to private, unless I get more bogus comments (in which case it will be sooner)


  1. People Suck!!! I of course would like to be invited! hope your having a great day!

  2. Would like to keep seeing it. It has been good to check in every once in a while and see how things are going although I don't comment a lot. Will email you my address. Amanda

  3. Please add me too! DO you have my e-mail?

  4. don't forget me too...! ttyl- Emma
